Jaguars Baseball
Several successful Youth Camps - Part of Jaguars Giving back to the Community
Annual Baseball Camps for ALL youth in the Community
Spring Break was packed with fun for our Community. JA Elementary, Summit Academy and many other close by community families attended the JA Spring Break Baseball Camp! This years camp had over 80 children from ages 7 to 12 years old in attendance.
Each camper had a hands-on experience of baseball fundamentals and learning about leadership on the field in in their own lives. There were skills, drills, wiffle ball games & of course snacks! The camp wrapped up with HS players and coach autographing the camp t-shirts before wrapping up the day with the Jags baseball cheer.
One parent took time to write:
" Please extend our appreciation to all who were involved in putting together and hosting the JA Baseball camp this week.
My 12 year old son had a great time, learned a lot, and thought the camp was well organized. Thank you to all the players and coaches who gave of their time to make the event a success.
I was grateful that the camp was moved into the massive gym rather than being stuck outside in the cold and wind. JA has a tremendous facility! Thank you all for the hours of behind-the-scenes efforts and dedication you put forth to make the camp available to all. "
Jags Baseball hosted Make-A-Wish
Jaguars Baseball hosted Colorado’s 2021 Make-A-Wish kiddo, Cody Green. Cody is a high energy boy with a competitive personality, natural talent in gymnastics and passion for aeronautics.
In June of 2019 at 9 years old, Cody had an abrupt change in health and was quickly admitted to Childrens hospital. While the family processed shock, Cody was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer called “MDS” occurring in 1 of 4 million children. Cody began intensive chemotherapy while living at Childrens Hospital preparing for a bone marrow transplant.
By September, hopes were up as Cody rang a victory bell to go home and recover but it wasn’t the last of his journey. A month later, the bone marrow had failed. While still beat up from the first round of chemo, Cody returned to face a new round of chemo with added radiation preparing for a 2nd bone marrow transplant from a selfless donor Mattias in Germany.
Here’s the good part of Cody’s story, Cody is now quickly approaching year 3 of being cancer free! Cody still battles some effects to his joints but has returned to gymnastics with great determination and weekly improvements. Thankful and grateful along with you all, Codys mother Kerrie states: “We are soooo very thankful for Matthias’ selfless gift of life, our incredible medical team, and most of all for our amazing miracle working God!!!!”